Emi's parents:

Roni came to us for the practical stage of her training. She is friendly, trustworthy, knowledgeable, and not afraid to take on a challenge.
Roni took care of Emi, who was born four weeks premature. Emi was at home for approximately 2 weeks when Roni started working with us, and very quickly Roni became a trusted friend and professional authority. She provided the highest level of care to Emi, which afforded me more time to give more attention to my older (and still very young) kids. This tremendously helped all the family.
During Roni’s visits, her responsibilities included feeding Emi, preparing bottles, changing diapers, calming and quieting, and, most importantly, allowing me to go back to my studies and yet get a break and the peace of mind that our daughter is being taken
care of.
We strongly recommend Roni for the position of providing baby and mother care. As anyone with children can attest to, once you find someone who does a good job and you can trust with the most precious thing in your life, you just don't want to see that person leave.
Adva and Ori San Jose. CA. March 2022